NASA brings Space Apps hackathon to Hawaii



One of the world’s largest hackathons is coming to Hawaii next month. The NASA Space Apps Challenge, sponsored by a consortium of local technology companies, will be held from April 22-24.

Local sponsor include DevLeague, Sudokrew Solutions, Ikayzo, Goma Games, and the High Technology Development Corporation (HTDC). While most hackathons focus on coding, the NASA Space Apps Challenge is designed to bring together all passionate problem solvers to create solutions with a global impact. This 48-hour event will be open to designers, artists, makers, coders, engineers, and storytellers of any age or discipline.

“We are thrilled to be able to bring a world class event like this to Honolulu,” said DevLeague co-founder Jason Sewell. “The NASA Space Apps Challenge was of particular interest to us because the event focuses on a more comprehensive STEM audience, bringing together the innovation sector as a whole and looking at solutions of truly global proportions.

“We hope the event will continue to grow in coming years as this is will be the first of an annual series and we are excited to partner with other organizations in the community, across many different sectors,” Sewell added.

Honolulu will be one of 128 host cities spanning the globe for this 48-hour event, kicking off on Friday, April 22 at the Manoa Innovation Center at 4 p.m. This free event is open to the public, although space is limited to the first 70 registrants.

Starts April 22 at 4:00 PM
Ends April 24 at 5:00 PM

Manoa Innovation Center, 2800 Woodlawn Dr., Honolulu, HI 96822


About DevLeague

DevLeague is an immersive accelerated learning program where we teach in-class modern software development skills to adults and real coding to middle and high school students. As Hawaii’s first and only software development boot camp, we design curriculum and conduct 12-week courses for motivated individuals. Our target outcome is that our graduates gain the necessary skills, confidence and project work to earn their career start as a web software developer–an industry that is high-growth, high-salary and in-demand.

About Sudokrew Solutions

Sudokrew Solutions is a Hawaii-based development shop, creating web and mobile apps for startups, non-profit organizations, and enterprise businesses. Sudokrew has worked with local and international businesses as a leading consultant in Node.js, React.js, and has been a consistent supporter of the local development community by supporting hackathons, game jams, and other community initiatives to further careers in technology and innovation.

About Goma Games

Goma Games is a Hawaii-based game development studio, dedicated to inspiring children to be leaders. Games can be enjoyed in destructive and constructive ways, and the goal of Goma Games is to create more games that will inspire, education, and enrich lives.

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