BizGym partners with Hong Kong accelerator

1535, an online rapid business plan building program based in Hawaii, has formed a partnership with CyberPort, the largest information technology accellerator in Hong Kong. The relationship was sparked by’s recent partnership in “Hawaii Tech Asia,” a business development tour organized by Hawaii Business and Entrepreneur Acceleration Mentors (HiBeam).

The two companies will create a Chinese language version of the BizGym online entrepreneur’s toolset, branding it as the “Cyberport Business System powered by BizGym.” It will feature team-matching, collaborative business planning and a direct link to Cyberport’s micro-fund application process. Operations will begin by year-end in Hong Kong and mainland China.

Cyberport is a government-owned enterprise, and when breaking news of the partnership on Hawaii Public Radio’s Bytemarks Cafe show last week, founder Steve Sue said that the co-branded arrangement with a prominent Hong Kong organization will likely discourage copycats from diluting the model in Asia.

The “Hawaii Tech Asia” delegation showcased Hawaii-based technology companies in Hong Kong and Beijing. In addition to HiBEAM, a Hawaii nonprofit that helps launch and build early stage Hawaii technology companies, the trip was sponsored in part by the State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism (DBEDT) via a grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration’s HiStep (Hawaii’s State Trade & Export Promotion) Program.

Steve Sue at Lemonade Alley | Photo by Ryan Ozawa“I’m awed by how professional, strategic and fast both Cyberport and HTA were in creating this program, so I look forward to a long and fruitful relationship,” Sue said in a statement. “I’m also grateful to the HTA program for setting up such high-value relationships and counseling us on deal-making in the region.”

“We’re very pleased with this outcome because it shows that Hawaii companies with the right product and leadership can do business in Asia and Hong Kong, and that Hawaii Tech Asia is an effective platform for doing so,” said Bee Leng Chua, HiBEAM executive director. “We’re glad that we could support BizGym with relationship networks and export knowledge.”

“I also believe that Steve’s energy, vision, know-how and timely follow up helped Cyberport decide that BizGym is the right partner for them,” she added.

David Chuang, Cyberport’s chief technology officer, concluded: “We are very excited about the impact of this partnership that will have on the Asian market in this part of the world. The online business accelerator toolset enhances the Cyberport Creative Micro Fund application process with new capabilities. To start, we will apply this in the Guangdong –Hong Kong ICT Young Entrepreneur Programme. With Cyberport’s good networks in mainland China and Asia, we will promote to more Chinese organizations in adopting the use of the system.”

About BizGym is a free online rapid-development business system that utilizes mind-maps and a “twitterized” coaching approach that helps entrepreneurs through the business visioning and planning process. BizGym employs a “freemium” business model in which the majority of features are offered free and upgrades such as a financial forecasting package are offered to advanced users for a fee.

About Cyberport

Cyberport is a creative digital community with a cluster of technology and digital content tenants. It is managed by Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited which is wholly owned by the Hong Kong SAR Government. With a vision to establish itself as a leading information and communications technology (ICT) hub in the Asia-Pacific region, Cyberport is committed to facilitating the local economy by nurturing ICT industry start-ups and entrepreneurs, driving collaboration to pool resources and create business opportunities, and accelerating ICT adoption through strategic initiatives and partnerships. Equipped with an array of state-of-the-art ICT facilities and a cutting-edge broadband network, the Cyberport community is home to four grade-A intelligent office buildings, a five-star design hotel, and a retail entertainment complex.

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