Lawmakers to host live video chat Tuesday


State CapitolSen. Will Espero will host a live streaming video conversation on Tuesday, along with Sens. Carol Fukunaga and Clarence Nishihara, as well as Rep. Angus McKelvey.

Sen. Espero (Sen. District 20), the Senate Public Safety, Military and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee Chairperson and his team are desccribing the event as a “Ustream Legislative Sit-Down.” The broadcast will begin at noon.

Sen. Espero will use this online platform to talk with other State Legislators about the 2011 Legislative Session, find out what they are doing in the interim, and discuss any upcoming plans for next session. The discussion will include Sens. Fukunaga (Sen. District 11) and Clarence Nishihara (Senate District 18), and Rep. McKelvey (House District 10).

“Utilizing this type of interactive broadcasting tool is something that is relatively new to the Legislature,” said Senator Will Espero. “This event will provide a great opportunity to explore engagement with the public utilizing such platforms. I look forward to continuing to host similar events in the future.”

Ustream is a live online interactive broadcast platform. Tomorrow’s event will be streamed live on the Hawaii Senate Majority’s Ustream account. To watch the event, please follow this link:

Participants can send in questions and comments during the event through the Ustream chat feature, by emailing Senator Espero at, or by calling into his office at 808-586-6360.

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